
Source link : https://africa-news.net/africa/kenya/africa-environment-and-wangari-maathai-day/

Day 1  29.02.2024


9:00-9:30 AM
Participants’ arrival and registration
Faith Ngige

9:30-10:00 AM
SESSION 1: Opening Session


Welcome Remarks by Harsen Nyambe, Director, Sustainable Environment and Blue Economy, AUC



Nyaguthii Chege, Chairperson, Board of Directors, The Green Belt Movement

Dr. Philip Osano, Centre Director, Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI) Africa

Dr. Augustine Njamnshi, Chair, Political & Technical Committee of Board, Pan African Climate Justice Alliance (PACJA)

Dr. Eliane Ubalijoro, Chief Executive Officer, CIFOR-ICRAF

Dr. Cyrille-Lazare Siewe, Kenya Country Office Director, United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)

 H.E. Amb. Josefa Sacko, Commissioner for Agriculture, Rural Development, Blue Economy and Sustainable Environment

Hon. Soipan Tuya, Cabinet Secretary, Ministry of Environment, Climate Change and Forestry, Kenya

Harsen Nyambe, Director; Sustainable Environment and Blue Economy, AUC



10:00-10:30 AM
Group Photo and Tea Break

10:30-11:30 AM
SESSION 2: Documentary & Plenary Discussion

Screening of ‘Taking Root: the Vision of Wangari Maathai’ documentary (10 minutes)


Plenary Discussion:

Circularity and Circular Economy

Faith Ngige, National Coordinator, Kenya Platform for Climate Governance

Rosalind Mbarire, Chief Executive Officer, RETRAK

Margaret Kamau, Project Manager, Climate Change and Green Growth Division, AfDB

Charlotte Daniels, Programme Management Associate, UNEP

Dr. Ayub Macharia, Chairman of the National Plastic Management Committee, NEMA

Gesore Brian; Sec General, Kenya National Waste Pickers Association

Charles Mwangi, Head of Programmes and Research, PACJA

11:30 AM-12:30 PM
SESSION 3: Biodiversity and Sustainable Land Management 

Presentation of AU Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan

Panel Discussion

Dr. Elvis Tangem, Coordinator, Great Green Wall Initiative, AUC

Dr. Yemi Katerere, Independent Consultant, African CSOs Biodiversity Alliance

Nancy Githaiga, Country Director, African Wildlife Foundation (AWF)

Catherine Mungai, Climate Change and Biodiversity Engagement Facilitator, IUCN

Anne Samante, Program Manager, MPIDO

Kevin Muli, Programmes Associate, Conservation Alliance of Kenya

Anna Tjarvar, Counsellor/ Senior Programme Manager Environment, Climate Change, Renewable Energy, Regional Development Cooperation, Sida



Leah Wanambwa; Senior Policy Officer-Climate Change, AUC



12:30-1:30 PM

SESSION 3: Critical Minerals & Circularity- Value Addition, Benefit Sharing

Panel Discussion:

Joyce Gachugi, Chief Executive Officer, PAKPRO-

Boniface Mbithi, Group CEO, Wee Centre

Beatrice Mjomba, Human Rights Defender, Taita-Taveta-Human Rights Watch

Philip Kilonzo; Head of Policy, Advocacy and Communication, PACJA

Alphonse Muia; UNEP Youth Constituency

Dr. Cyrille-Lazare Siewe, Kenya Country Office Director, United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) 

Eugene Nforngwa, Thematic Lead, Just Transition and Energy, PACJA

1:30-5:30 PM
Tree planting session and visit to T3 recycling plant

Irene Tindi, Executive Coordinator & Programme Manager, Power of One, Wangari Mathaai Marathon

Day 2  01.03.2024

9:00-10:00 AM
SESSION 4: Innovative Business Models for Circularity

Panel Discussion

Margaret Miano, Partnership and Fundraising Coordinator, MESPT

Elizabeth Wathuti, Green Climate Fund Youth Champion, Green Belt Movement

Antony Mwangi, Chief Executive Officer, Kenya Association of Manufacturers (KAM)

Dr. Jane Nyakango, Director, Kenya National Cleaner Production Centre

Teddy Obiero, Chair, Alliance of Nairobi Metropolitan Association

Ahmed Fathy, Coordinator, Youth Loves Egypt/ Youth Advisor for CEO of Global Centre for Adaptation

Faith Ngige, National Coordinator, Kenya Platform of Climate Governance

Coffee Break

10:30-11:30 AM
SESSION 5: Presentation of AU Circular Economy Action Plan


Caroline Tagwireyi, Senior Mitigation Officer, Climate Change, AUC

11:30 AM-1:00 PM
SESSION 6: Gender-sensitive responses to fighting climate change, biodiversity loss and pollution.

Panel Discussions:

Susan Otieno, Country Director, ActionAid International Kenya

Ciiru Waweru Waithaka, Chief Executive Officer, Anjiru

Dr. Alice Kaudia; Founder & Chairperson, Pristine Sustainable Ecosystems

Idriss Adoum Idriss, Coordinator, Global Youth Biodiversity network, Chad

Mwanahamisi Singano, Programme Manager WEDO


1:00-2:00 PM

2:00-3:30 PM
SESSION 7: Inclusive tenure rights in tackling climate change, biodiversity loss and pollution.

Panel Discussion:

Kazungu Washe, Research Associate – Land Governance, TMG Research

Fridah Gichuhi, Head of Women Rights Programme, IMS Foundation

Kitasi Wanga, Prog Manager Resilient Livelihood & Emergencies, ActionAid Kenya

Grace Lolim, Executive Director, Isiolo Gender Watch,

Audace Kubwimana, the African Regional Coordinator for the International Land Coalition

Eileen Wakesho, Director, Land Environment and Climate, NAMATI

SESSION 8: Effective and Inclusive Actions for tackling Plastic Pollution.

Panel Discussion:

Alexander Mangwiro, Regional Coordinator, Chemicals, Waste and Air Quality, UNEP

Dennis Micheni, Chief Executive Officer, DiscoverBrands Systems

Anastasia Muiti, Coordinator, Adopt a River Project, NEMA

Christine Waithira, Director of Environment, Nairobi County

Joy Bongay, Coordinator PACJA Gambia

Dr. Peter Minang Director for Africa, CIFOR-ICRAF

4:30 PM

Source link : https://www.sei.org/events/unea-6-side-event-africa-environment-and-wangari-maathai-day/

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Publish date : 2024-02-29 08:00:00

Copyright for syndicated content belongs to the linked Source.


Author : africa-news

Publish date : 2024-07-14 06:26:03

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